Como Auxiliar de investigación clínica (CRA) en Parexel, usted cumple una función vital para hacerles llegar los tratamientos a los pacientes con mayor rapidez. La prioridad de nuestros CRA es la seguridad y el bienestar de los pacientes. Cuando viaje a centros de investigación y cumpla sus obligaciones de monitoreo, lo alentamos a ser inquisitivo, a asumir responsabilidades, a construir relaciones y a actuar con integridad.
Únase a un equipo con una gran variedad de experiencias y conocimientos y trabaje en proyectos globales dentro de una amplia gama de áreas terapéuticas. Estamos buscando personas que deseen crecer en el ámbito personal y profesional y que respalden a sus colegas de manera global y multidisciplinaria.
Perfil del éxito
¿Posee estas competencias sociales y rasgos interpersonales para tener éxito en Parexel?
- Comunicador
- Organizado
- Contratos laborales flexibles
- Emprendedor
- Orientado al detalle
- Solucionador de problemas
Acerca de este rol
Parexel FSP is hiring multiple Clinical Research Associates in Argentina, Chile and Peru.
TheClinicalResearchAssociate(CRA)haslocalresponsibilityforthedeliveryofthestudiesatallocated sites and is an active participant in the local study team(s). The CRA works in close collaboration with other CRAs and the Local Study Team/ Local Study Associate Director (LSAD) to ensure that study commitmentsareachievedinatimelyandefficientmanner.The CRAactsasthemaincontactwiththe study site and has the responsibility for monitoring the study conduct to ensure proper delivery of the study.
TheCRAisresponsibleforthepreparation,initiation,monitoringandclosureofassignedsitesinclinical studies, in compliance with the sponsor Procedural Documents, international guidelines such as ICH-GCP, and relevant local regulations and that the sites deliver according to their respective commitment in the individual studies.
ACRAwithlongertenureandexperiencemaytakeonadditionalresponsibilitiesthatincludeadditional tasks associated with LSAD.
Typical Accountabilities
- Contributes to the selection of potential investigators.
- In some countries, as required, CRAs are accountable for study start-up and regulatory maintenance. Tasks may include Site Qualification Visits, collection, preparation, review and tracking of documents for the application process; submission of proper application/documents to EC/IRB and to Regulatory Authorities for start-up and for the duration of the study.
- Trains, supports and advises Investigators and site staff in study related matters, including Risk Based Quality Management (RbQM) principles.
- Confirms that site staff have completed and documented the required trainings appropriately, including ICH-GCP training, prior to and for the duration of the study. Ensures the sites are inspection ready at all times.
- Actively participates in Local Study Team (LST) meetings.
- Contributes to National Investigators meetings, as applicable.
- Initiates, monitors and closes study sites in compliance with the sponsor Procedural Documents. Shares information on patient recruitment and study site progress (site quality/performance) within the LST.
- Drives performance at the sites. Proactively identifies and ensures timely resolution to study-related issues and escalates them as appropriate.
- Updates CTMS and other systems with data from study sites as per required timelines.
- Manages study supplies (ISF, etc), drug supplies and drug accountability at study site. Prepares study drug for destruction, if applicable.
- Performs monitoring visits (remote and onsite), as well as remote data checks, in accordance with the timelines specified in the study specific Monitoring Plan. If required, determines and discusses with LSAD the correct timing and type of visits.
- Performs Source Data Review (SDR), Case Report Form (CRF) review and Source Data Verification (SDV), in accordance with the Monitoring Plan.
- Performs regular Site Quality Risk Assessments and adapts monitoring intensity accordingly during the study.
- Ensures data query resolution in a timely manner.
- Works with data management to ensure robust quality of the collected study data.
- Ensures accurate and timely reporting of Serious Adverse Events and their follow ups.
- Prepares and finalises monitoring visit reports in CTMS and provides timely feed-back to the Principal Investigator, including follow-up letter, within required timelines and in line with the sponsor’s SOP.
- Follows up on outstanding actions with study sites to ensure resolution in a timely manner.
- Follows quality issue processes by escalating systematic or serious quality issues, data privacy breaches, CSP or ICH-GCP compliance issues to Local Management and/or CQM as required.
- Assists site in maintaining inspection ready ISF.
- Prepares for and collaborates with the activities associated with audits and regulatory inspections in liaison with LSAD and CQAD.
- Ensures timely collection/uploading of essential documents into the eTMF in accordance with ICH- GCP, the sponsor SOPs and local requirements. Supports/participates in regular QC checks performed by LSAD or delegate.
- Ensures that all study documents under their responsibility (i.e., site documents, relevant communications, etc) are available and ready for final archiving and completion of local part of the eTMF.
- Provides feedback on any research related information including sites/investigators/competing studies that might be useful for the local market.
- Ensures compliance with the sponsor’s Code of Ethics, company policies and procedures relating to people, finance, technology, security and SHE (Safety, Health and Environment).
- Ensures compliance with local, national and regional legislation, as applicable
- Collaborates with local MSLs as directed by LSAD or line manager.
·Bachelor's degree in related discipline, preferablyinlifescience,orequivalent qualification
·Excellent knowledge of international guidelinesICH-GCP,basicknowledgeof GMP/GDP and localregulations.
·Good understanding of Clinical Study Managementincludingmonitoring,study drug handling and data management.
·Abilitytotravelnationally/internationallyas required.
Parexel ofrece diversas trayectorias profesionales y programas de desarrollo interno para que los CRA avancen al próximo nivel. Esto podría incluir mejorar su puesto técnico, transferencia a gerencia o cambiar a otras áreas del negocio.
- CRA Sénior
- Gestión de ProyectosExperto en la MateriaGestión de Proyectos
Perspectivas de los empleados
nuestro equipo